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Mammography Event Wraps up Successful Knott’s Berry Farm Partnership

Peanuts characters deliver check to Komen Orange County (Photo courtesy of OCC School of Photography)

Peanuts characters deliver check to Komen Orange County (Photo courtesy of OCC School of Photography)

During a special event last week, as a thank you to Knott’s Berry Farm and in partnership with Alinea Medical Imaging and YWCA-NOC, Susan G. Komen Orange County was in Buena Park to help provide free mammograms to Knott’s employees.

The two-month partnership with Knott’s Berry Farm during February and March raised nearly $100,000 for Komen Orange County and we are grateful to everyone involved for their participation and support. Last Wednesday, Alinea’s mobile mammography unit rolled into Knott’s Berry Farm and volunteers from YWCA-NOC helped to coordinate the mammograms.  Dr. Reich was on hand to perform the screening for Knott’s employees and family members.

Everyone’s favorite theme park characters, Snoopy, Lucy and Sally, were also on hand to celebrate the partnership. The Peanuts gang helped present Komen Orange County with a check for $97,621.11 and greeted women as they awaited their mammograms.

Thank you to everyone at Knott’s, Alinea and YWCA-NOC for helping make this happen! Komen OC’s community outreach wouldn’t be possible without all the terrific partners and supporters that help make it happen!


Komen OC’s Top 10- Thank You Team ADP

Many of us who stay up late, either every night or just every once in a while, get a smile out of David Letterman’s Late Show “Top 10 List” skits. Well, Komen OC decided to put together its own “Top 10 List” as a thank you to one of our top fundraising teams for the 2012 Susan G. Komen Orange County Race for the Cure campaign. Team ADP, comprised of 171 team members, raised $88,185 to help serve women and men save lives!

Now, imagine a drum roll performed by an orchestra drummer as you read these in reverse countdown order: the TOP TEN ways ADP’s fundraising dollars (and yours) are helping women and men right here in Orange County.


Number 10!

Komen funded mammograms

Number 9!

Breast Core Biopsies through Komen OC’s own breast health fund

Number 8!

Diagnostic Breast MRIs through Komen OC’s own breast health fund

Number 7!

Living expenses paid for four women going through breast cancer treatment, through Komen OC’s community grantee, Breast Cancer Solutions

Number 6!

Screening for 30 Latino high-risk women through mobile mammography at an event via Northgate Gonzalez Markets

Number 5!

Outreach for 59 women at a mobile screening mammography event via YWCA grantee

Number 4!

25 percent contribution to the Komen National Award and Research Grant Program

Number 3!

Banners for a multi-ethnic street banner awareness campaign

Number 2!

Breast diagnostic care for 184 uninsured women, many under the age of 40, through Komen OC’s fund for breast health care


Number 1!

705 potentially life-saving mammograms facilitated for a grand total of $88,185!  That’s an average of FOUR mammograms per team member!

We would conclude with a round of applause, thank you to the Team ADP and brief performance by the band- a pop song on mammograms.

Here is the breakdown:

10. $125 = Komen funded mammogram

9. $691 = Breast core biopsy through Komen’s own breast health fund

8. $1,200 = Diagnostic breast MRI also through Komen’s own breast health fund

7. $2,424 = Living expenses of four women going through breast cancer treatment, through Komen OC’s community grantee Breast Cancer Solutions

6. $3,390 = Screening for 30 Latino high-risk women through mobile mammography events via Northgate Gonzalez Markets

5.  $4,848 = Outreach to 59 women at a mobile screening mammography event via YWCA grantee

4.  $22,046 = 25 percent contribution to the Komen National Award and Research Grant Program

3.  $30,600 = 255 banners for a multi-ethnic street banner awareness campaign

2.  $50,048 = Breast diagnostic care for 184 uninsured women, many under the age of 40, through Komen’s fund for breast health care

1.  705 potentially life-saving mammograms facilitated for a grand total of $88,185!

Save the date for the 2013 Susan G. Komen Orange County Race for the Cure

September 22, 2013!

Komen OC and Northgate Gonzalez Markets Partner up for Breast Health Outreach to Latina Women

On Monday, April 16, the Orange County Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, in collaboration with the YWCA and Northgate Gonzalez Markets, teamed up to give free clinical breast exams and mammograms to 34 Hispanic women at the Northgate Gonzalez Market in La Habra. Latina women are more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage from breast cancer and therefore are at increased risk of dying from the disease, so it is important that they are provided with information and resources to increase rates of early detection.

The effort will continue through the month of May at different Northgate Gonzalez Markets throughout Orange County. Eligible women must be 40 years or older, have a low household income and no medical insurance or an insurance that has a high deductible or co-payment.

For more information on upcoming events such as this one, please contact the Komen Orange County office at (714) 957-9157 or visit www.komenoc.org.